COMMEN SENSE MEDIA: School of Magical Animals
March 19, 2023
"German book adaptation is fun for kids too young for Potter.
What Parents Need to Know
Parents need to know that School of Magical Animals is an entertaining German fantasy adventure -- based on a series of books -- with plenty of positive messages and a focus on friendship. Young girl Ida (Emilia Maier) moves to a new school and initially faces some teasing. She makes friends with lonely boy Benni (Leonard Conrads) before the two are both assigned a magical animal. The animals (which include a talking fox, tortoise, and magpie) are cheerful and charming, and help teach lessons in friendship, perseverance, and the importance of sharing feelings. In the dubbed English version, language includes infrequent mild words such as "loser" and "jerk." Henrietta the tortoise says "bullcrap," but it isn't clear to hear so may be missed by most. Mild peril comes when two characters are left hanging from a loose guttering high up on a building, but no harm comes to them."
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