DEADLINE: How ‘Jackass Forever’ Thrived In The TikTok Era With A $23M+ Opening & ‘Moonfall’ Fell Out Of Orbit At The Weekend Box Office – Sunday Postmortem
February 7, 2022
"Blue Fox Entertainment has the family movie The Wolf and the Lion booked at 1,005 locations in 151 markets which is looking at an estimated 3-day of $529K after a $165K yesterday. Audiences enjoyed the movie better than critics with a 77% positive on PostTrak and 46% recommend vs. a 32% Rotten Score. Women bought tickets at 60% with 89% over 25, 66% over 35, and 46% over 45 years old. Diversity demos were 74% Caucasian, 11% Latino and Hispanic, 6% Black and 9% Asian/other. The feature played best in the West, Midwest, & Southwest where all of their top 10 and 98 of their top 100 runs came from."