RED CARPET CRASH: Movie Review: ‘Mending The Line’
June 1, 2023
“Mending The Line”, directed by Joshua Caldwell, is a heartfelt drama that touches on some pretty heavy themes, including PTSD, addiction, guilt and grief. Many of us encounter these mental and emotional struggles to some extent during our lives, so we can easily connect with the film’s diverse range of troubled characters. There are many different ways to heal from emotional trauma, and “Mending the Line” attempts to showcase closure and healing via one particular sport: fly fishing...
“Mending the Line” doesn’t come close to breaking boundaries in its genre, and its pacing can be slow, but that doesn’t prevent the film from achieving its goal of portraying PTSD and grief realistically and truthfully. For those with active duty experience, the film will likely tug at a very particular heartstring and leave the viewer feeling satisfied at such an accurate example of such a complex mental burden. The actor’s honest portrayals of characters with deep emotional wounds make “Mending the Line’s” lackluster plot relatable and touching.