Blue Fox Entertainment is launching Blue Fox Impact, a new affiliated company that will partner with organizations that have a mandate to utilize social justice equity impact funds. “These funds will primarily be deployed across Blue Fox’s broad footprint into multiple key areas including film and television development, financing, domestic distribution, international sales and exhibition. Further divisions are expected to be announced later this year,” said Blue Fox Impact in a statement.

The new venture is co-founded by Ralph G. Mendy Henderson, Jr. who will serve as CEO and majority shareholder, and James Huntsman, who will serve as CFO. Lisa Gutberlet will also be joining the team as COO.

“We are thrilled to work with corporations, foundations, endowments, financial institutions, family offices and the leaders in the entertainment media and tech industry that share our commitment to racial economic equality and social justices, post the global protests that erupted after the tragic killings of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd,” said Henderson. “By combining our collective efforts, we can drive positive social justice change, create sustainable businesses within Black and Brown communities, and foster job growth.”

Check out the full article here